Update: July 20, 2020 Our Quilt "Mom" drew the winning ticket for our 2020 Omigosh Opportunity Quilt today. The winner of this beautiful quilt is Gwen Myers. She has been contacted and is thrilled to have won. Proceeds from the tickets sold will benefit the Women's Crisis Center and Wildlife Images. Each organization will receive $1,250.00. Thank you, Sue, for all your hard work. Unfortunately, plans for taking the quilt to different events were cancelled due to Covid-19, but happy funds we were able to collect will make a difference in our community. Thanks, too, to all of our members for their support! A great group of ladies, we are all missing seeing each other during this pandemic.
Each year the Rogue Valley Piecemakers creates an Opportunity Quilt and offers an "Opportunity" to win it by raffle. All proceeds from raffle tickets are donated to local non-profit organizations to help our community. This year the members voted to benefit two organizations that will share the benefits from these donations. They are the Women's Crisis Center andWildlife Images.
Our 2020 Opportunity Quilt, an eye-popping design pattern by Sue Garman titled “Omigosh”, was based on an old quilt spotted at Houston’s big annual quilt show. Because of the intricate piecework, Yvonne Cook was challenged by a friend to make it. Yvonne thought it would make a wonderful Opportunity Quilt. Yvonne formed a team that constructed the blocks and Yvonne completed the quilt. Quilting was completed by Grace Anderson. A special thank you to our "Quilt Mom" who organizes ticket info and events.
Tickets are currently on sale $1 each or 6 for $5. Contact any of our guild members, or anywhere the quilt is shown. The winning ticket to be drawn at our 2020 Quilt Show - "Time Flies" on May 9, 2020.